EZAnimation Class Reference

Inheritance diagram for EZAnimation:
AnimatePosition AnimateRotation AnimateScale AnimateScreenPosition Crash CrashRotation FadeAudio FadeMaterial FadeSprite FadeSpriteAlpha FadeText FadeTextAlpha PunchPosition PunchRotation PunchScale RunAnimClip Shake ShakeRotation SmoothCrash TuneAudio

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  ANIM_TYPE {
  AnimClip, FadeSprite, FadeMaterial, FadeText,
  Translate, PunchPosition, Crash, SmoothCrash,
  Shake, Scale, PunchScale, Rotate,
  PunchRotation, ShakeRotation, CrashRotation, FadeAudio,
  TuneAudio, TranslateScreen, FadeSpriteAlpha, FadeTextAlpha

Public Member Functions

delegate void CompletionDelegate (EZAnimation anim)
delegate float Interpolator (float time, float start, float delta, float duration)
 Definition of an interpolator delegate. Interpolator delegates are used to interpolate values during an animation.
abstract bool Start (GameObject sub, AnimParams parms)
 Starts an animation.
virtual void Stop ()
 Stops the animation.
void End ()
 Ends the animation prematurely, setting the subject to its end state.
abstract System.Object GetSubject ()
 Returns the subject of the animation.

Static Public Member Functions

static EZAnimation.Interpolator GetInterpolator (EZAnimation.EASING_TYPE type)
 Returns the interpolation/easing function to which the specified enum refers:.

Public Attributes

 The type of animation this is.
bool pingPong = true
 Should the transition bounce back and forth when looping?
bool repeatDelay = false
 Should the delay be repeated when the animation loops?
bool restartOnRepeat = false
 Should the starting value be reset when a loop is iterated? (Only has meaning for certain animations, (such as translation, rotation, fading, etc) and among those, only ones which use the "By" mode and for which pingPong is false.).


System.Object Data [get, set]
 Accessor for the data associated with this animation.
float Duration [get]
 Returns the desired duration of the animation.
float Wait [get]
 Returns the desired delay of the animation.
bool Paused [get, set]
 Determines whether the animation is currently paused.
ANIM_MODE Mode [get]
 Returns the mode of this animation (By, To, etc).
CompletionDelegate CompletedDelegate [get, set]
 Accessor for the delegate to be called upon completion of the animation.
CompletionDelegate StartDelegate [get, set]
 Accessor for the delegate to be called as soon as the animation begins (the delay expires). NOTE: For looping animations, this will be called upon each iteration.

Detailed Description

The base class of all EZ animations (also referred to as transition elements when using transitions). The object to be animted by the animation is called the "subject" of the animation.

Member Enumeration Documentation

The mode of the animation. i.e. Whether the object being animated will be moving toward an absolute target, or will move an amount relative to its current value, etc.

Provides an integral identifier for each type of animation.


Plays an AnimationClip.


Fades a sprite from one color/alpha to another.


Fades an object's material from one color/alpha to another.


Same as FadeMaterial, but only works on SpriteText objects.


Translates an object from one position to another


Move the position by a certain amount, and then back again.


Shakes an object randomly, as if it had crashed or experienced an explosion.


Like crash, but moves in a smoother, more connected manner.


Shakes an object back and forth at a regular rate and amount.


Scales an object


Move the scale by a certain amount, and then back again.


Rotates an object about its axis.


Rotate by a certain amount, and then back again.


Shakes an object by rotating it back and forth by a certain amount on each axis.


Shakes an object by rotating it back and forth with diminishing effect over time.


Fades audio from one volume level to another.


Transitions audio pitch from one pitch to another.


Translates an object relative to a part of the screen or another object. NOTE: Requires that the object in question have an EZScreenPlacement component attached. The values of the animation/transition element are fed into this component's screenPos member.


Fades a sprite from one alpha to another.


Fades a SpriteText from one alpha to another.

Integral identifier for each easing type.

Member Function Documentation

delegate void EZAnimation.CompletionDelegate ( EZAnimation  anim  ) 

Definition of a delegate to be called upon completion

anim Reference to the EZAnimation-derived class which has completed.
void EZAnimation.End (  ) 

Ends the animation prematurely, setting the subject to its end state.

static EZAnimation.Interpolator EZAnimation.GetInterpolator ( EZAnimation.EASING_TYPE  type  )  [static]

Returns the interpolation/easing function to which the specified enum refers:.

type Enum of the desired interpolator.
Retruns a reference to the desired interpolator method/delegate.
abstract System.Object EZAnimation.GetSubject (  )  [pure virtual]

Returns the subject of the animation.

Returns a reference to the subject of the animation.

Implemented in FadeSprite, FadeSpriteAlpha, FadeMaterial, FadeText, FadeTextAlpha, AnimateRotation, AnimatePosition, AnimateScreenPosition, AnimateScale, PunchPosition, PunchScale, PunchRotation, Crash, SmoothCrash, Shake, CrashRotation, ShakeRotation, RunAnimClip, FadeAudio, and TuneAudio.

delegate float EZAnimation.Interpolator ( float  time,
float  start,
float  delta,
float  duration 

Definition of an interpolator delegate. Interpolator delegates are used to interpolate values during an animation.

time The time elapsed.
start The starting value.
delta The total amount by which start is to be changed.
duration The total time of the animation.
Should return a value between start (inclusive) and start+delta (inclusive).
abstract bool EZAnimation.Start ( GameObject  sub,
AnimParams  parms 
) [pure virtual]

Starts an animation.

sub The subject of the animation.
parms Parameters for the animation.
True if start succeeded. False if not.

Implemented in FadeSprite, FadeSpriteAlpha, FadeMaterial, FadeText, FadeTextAlpha, AnimateRotation, AnimatePosition, AnimateScreenPosition, AnimateScale, PunchPosition, PunchScale, PunchRotation, Crash, SmoothCrash, Shake, CrashRotation, ShakeRotation, RunAnimClip, FadeAudio, and TuneAudio.

virtual void EZAnimation.Stop (  )  [virtual]

Stops the animation.

Member Data Documentation

bool EZAnimation.pingPong = true

Should the transition bounce back and forth when looping?

Should the delay be repeated when the animation loops?

Should the starting value be reset when a loop is iterated? (Only has meaning for certain animations, (such as translation, rotation, fading, etc) and among those, only ones which use the "By" mode and for which pingPong is false.).

The type of animation this is.

Property Documentation

CompletionDelegate EZAnimation.CompletedDelegate [get, set]

Accessor for the delegate to be called upon completion of the animation.

System.Object EZAnimation.Data [get, set]

Accessor for the data associated with this animation.

float EZAnimation.Duration [get]

Returns the desired duration of the animation.

ANIM_MODE EZAnimation.Mode [get]

Returns the mode of this animation (By, To, etc).

bool EZAnimation.Paused [get, set]

Determines whether the animation is currently paused.

CompletionDelegate EZAnimation.StartDelegate [get, set]

Accessor for the delegate to be called as soon as the animation begins (the delay expires). NOTE: For looping animations, this will be called upon each iteration.

float EZAnimation.Wait [get]

Returns the desired delay of the animation.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on Thu Sep 8 16:31:16 2011 for EZ GUI by  doxygen 1.6.1