The Slider control type allows you to to set a value between 0 and 1.

It is recommended that Sliders not be set to Pixel Perfect or Auto Resize, or else should have their anchor set to a left-aligned method.
The Slider control type executes code in response to user input by invoking a method on a MonoBehavior (specified by setting the "Script With Method To Invoke" and "Method To Invoke" properties), and/or by calling a delegate, set by calling the SetInputDelegate() method through script. More specifically, the "Method To Invoke" is invoked when the slider's knob is moved, and the input delegate is called whenever there is input to the slider knob itself.

Additionally, when the value of the slider changes as a result of user input, any registered EZValueChangedDelegate delegate will be called.
You can set and retrieve the current value of the control through the Value property.
Control-specific Properties
Default Value
The default value of the slider (float). Valid values range from 0-1.
Stop Knob From Edge
Distance, in local units, from the edge of the slider to stop the knob. This is useful when you don't want the knob to be centered at the very end point of the slider bar when at a value of 0 or 1.
Knob Offset
Distance, in local units, the knob should be offset from the bar itself. This is useful to avoid "Z-fighting" and when not using an orthographic camera to ensure the knob is drawn in front of the bar.
NOTE: This replaces the "Knob Float Distance" in previous versions of EZ GUI, which only afforded an offset on the Z-axis. Knob Offset now supports offsetting in all three axes.
Knob Size
The width and height, in local units, of the slider knob. This value is only used if the slider is not set to pixel-perfect.
Knob Collider Size Factor
Factor by which the knob's size will be multiplied to determine the size of the knob collider. Use this to make the knob collider larger or smaller than the knob itself.

Ex: If you want a collider that is 2x the size of the knob itself, set this to 2,2. If you want a collider that is twice as tall as the knob itself, but the same width as the knob, set this to 1,2.

Technically, only the knob of a slider can have different "states". However, to define the overall slider appearance, you must fill in the following "states":
The appearance of the "filled" portion of the bar.
The appearance of the "empty" portion of the bar.
The "normal" state of the slider knob (see "normal" Button state).
The "over" state of the slider knob (see "over" Button state).
The "active" state of the slider knob (see "active" Button state).